Concessionary Rates for Family Membership |
We strongly believe that our membership should be open to every family who might benefit from it. We therefore offer the following concessionary rates: Family Plus Membership Year 1 - £25 Family Plus Membership Renewal - £12 To qualify for concessionary membership, applicants must be in receipt of one or more of the following means-tested benefits:
Concessionary membership is also available to:
To apply for concessionary membership, simply:
All information will be held in confidence and destroyed on completion of the application process. As circumstances may change from one year to the next, concessionary membership is only available for twelve months and must be renewed again the following year using the above process. If you are not in receipt of any of the above benefits but feel you have a special case requiring a reduction on the full Family Plus fee of £125, please write confidentially to the Chief Executive providing your reasons, so that your case can be considered. Email to with Chief Executive in the subject box.